I know how old I am, I know what I have been through to get where I am today. what is painfull for me is that all those memories and people are just going to vanish.
my grandfather (who is more of a father than my real father) is almost 91 years old. thats really really old. I am making a film based on him, or rather the character looks like him, not so much acts since its sortof postapocalyptic. trying to storyboard it makes me cry, I keep thinking that I might not have time to finish it, him never being able to watch it.
I keep thinking of being a kid too, its almost easter now and my cousins would always come and visit. we would take long walks in the woods and my grandfather would say "there goes the easter bunny!" whenever we saw a hare and all the kids would sigh but it was still, like tradition. so not having taken those walks in almost... 10 years now. it pains me. I miss the woods and running around and my dog and sometimes the small lake would still be frozen, sometimes not. this year it probably will be, but I will never know because my grandfather can't walk that far anymore.
Carolina# 8 Let me paraphrase that
Aleksandra # 14 - Friday frolic
Afterwards you can admire Carolina's chapka.
And later tonight, let's get smashed for a good cause.
JULIA # 28 - Sleep until you're hungry, eat until you're sleepy
I couldn't go back to sleep so I started to read a book.
It's called New years by Stig Larsson. Yes that's right - Stig, not StiEg.
The two Stigs had a lot of problems with both having the same name, so they played dice to decide who had to change the spelling. StiEg lost.
My Stig is quality. My Stig provides me with good literature.
But this morning was not the right time for some Stig - time.
I had gotten to the part in the book where the protagonist is taken in at a mental hospital. For 40 pages or so he goes on about his fight with his anguish, she won't let him fall into sleep.
This whole day I've only seen dark blue creatures of female sex in my office.It's slightly disturbing.
Thus, advice: instead of reading in case of insomna, prepare yourself a good breakfast.
Life wisdom.
these guys are outside my office window. they scare me a bit.
Aleksandra #13 - Rain
Less by coincidence and more as a consequence of the harmonogramme for internship programmes at the European institutions, they come as I will have spent two years in Brussels.
Welcome to the city of rain, sex and powers as laid down by the Lisbon Treaty.
Enjoy the singing metro, six weeks of summer, the streets full of trash and, sometimes, confetti, which sticks to your soles and gets into your house and even Danuta, the cleaning lady, knows how to get rid of it (I don't mind). Spend Sundays in St Gilles, remember their taste of Moroccan crêpes and sound of brass
Meet people that confirm your worst prejudice, sneaky little fuckers that won't leave when so many of your loved ones do. And those that make you change your mind, and those that make your heart beat faster.
Listen to the rain drops as they hit the window.
JULIA # 27 - Inspiration x 3
1. I want so much,
so much more than this.
I want to make mama happy,
but I need to do things that make mamas unhappy.
I want to create, change, go further and get drunk on Saturday nights,
and sometimes on Thursdays too
and understand this family heritage of mine
and dance at empty clubs with Vincent,
and get a huge dog with a human face and intelligent eyes
and we'll respect each other mutually.
And much more still.
Now I'm on a train, heading to Paris,
and it's the only town I know,and it's full of crackheads and dirt and parasites and
failed love stories and personal hardship.
And that's what makes it funny.
I'm getting closer.
2. Jag vill så mycket mer än jag förmår, mer än mina handleder orkar bära, mer än jag har energi till.
Mer än vad jag vill egentligen.
Jag vill göra de vackraste väggplanscherna, att mina souvenirlådor fylls med magi, de grönaste av öar för alla mina vänner, de intelligentaste av diskussioner och de galnaste av fyllor, de djupaste av nysningar, de vardagligaste av söndagseftermiddagar, de vassaste av knivar.
Jag vill brinna likt Strindberg älskling, med en eld större än Sverige, skriva och beröra, göra fel, stamma och fumla, uppleva och kvarleva, förändra världssamvetet för alltid.
Inte gå skrivarkurs på folkhögskolan.
3. Johan's inspiration board
It was in Sweden in the winter.
It was -25 degrees. If I went out, I got cold on the inside of my cheeks.
There was a fair risk of me dying or getting severe medical problems if I had to walk home in only the dress I was wearing.
Then later my jacket was found, I hugged someone who I thought had contributed to saving my life and we went home. Took a cigarette on the way, as people do when they are young wild and have stolen too many beers.
Our cigarettes kept burning out from the cold and we had to relight them 5 times a cig.
Do you know how it feels when it's so cold that when you breathe the snot in your nose freezes with each breath? Or that when you've been to the shop to buy milk, it might have frozen by the time you've gotten home? Or that you can't use disposable cameras for five months a year because it's too dark in your country?
After living most of my life in Sweden, I can't still understand that people chose to live and chose to stay here in the winter.
It's not made for civilisation, it's working against logic.
Which makes it all very human.
Welcome up North.
Make sure to bring your long johns.
a frozen amusement park
Carolina #7 Favoritpalindrom
och koncentrationen på deras grupprop. De skrek:
Ola Salo är inte mitt favoritpalindrom.
Ida #21 "läckraste glidet i stan"
Spenderade en massa månader på att bli kär i en kille som dumpade mig med ett mail och sen försvann från jordens yta. Det kändes sådär måste jag få säga. Och sen är det drama overload med min kompis här, försöker lägga mig med magen uppåt och bara snälla stryk ett streck över skiten, jag orkar faktiskt inte längre. Önskar mig hem mer än någonsin, lika delar "kom hem" och "håll ut" hörs från Europa när jag pratar om det. Har aldrig varit trött på Mexico förut, nu önskar jag alla tortillas och höga ljud och lustiga klädstilar så långt bort som möjligt (önskat avstånd - jag i Sverige, dom här). Försöker självheala mig själv lite grann och peppar mig då och då hurtigt "om jag gör så här!" och "nu bestämmer jag mig för det här!" och sen får man ett mail och man tänker "ja kul nyheter kanske nu när jag har försökt vända energin!" och i mailet står det bara hur dum jag uppenbarligen är och man ba ".............. nähä inte den här gången heller" (ger upp tanken på att vända energier ungefär nu).
Imorgon ska jag åka till djungeln och försöka ap-krama mig till bättre mående. Jag hoppas. Men det är på intet sätt en magisk känsla, att högljutt hulka och stoltsera med rödflammigt ansikte inför tre mexikanska män från bushen, även om man håller hand med en apa. Been there. Igår betalade jag min elräkning, skyller på värmefläkten men jag betalade 2000 pesos. Lämnade den till tanten som ojade sig. Orkade inte ens le innan jag gick ut från kontoret och suckande halkade på blött gräs.
Eh.... tappade bort mig
Iaf så firade jag mitt mående med att slänga iväg sms och mail hejvilt där jag typ "bekände färg" (läs, skrev typ "du är en idiot!" "du behöver aldrig ringa igen!" "jag har omvärderat vår vänskap" (haha)) jag älskar att vara kvinna och arg. Denna dagen - ett liv.
JULIA # 24 - Sometimes you just have to pee in the sink
Hur det är att komma till en ny stad och den första kvällen är fantastisk och man stannar och väntar på en ny sån kväll och väntar men inget händer.
Allt är skittrist, man väntar otåligt oroligt, måste dra men kan inte.
Huruvida Elisbeth Taylor är vacker eller inte.
Mannen som definierade sex som what you do when you can’t sleep och kärlek som morning fog that lasts a little, then burns off with the first daylight of reality.
Tittas helst på mitt i natten när man har viktiga saker att göra dagen efter
Ida #20 Everytime and everywhere
Aleksandra # 10 - Wanderlust
Ud vil jeg! ud! O, så langt, langt, langt, over de høje fjelde!
her er så knugende, tærende trangt, og mit mod er så ungt og rankt
Så, en dag, kör försenade bussar oss mot avgörande möten. Ett par svaga armar slänger upp handbagaget, onödigt tungt av minnen från svunna tider (vi har ännu inte förstått att där vi ska behöver man inga universitetskompendier).
Ważne są tylko te dni których jeszcze nie znamy.
Sen är det sen natt i väntan på en kebab i Warszawa och vi fattar, blir okuvliga, oövervinnliga. Vi väljer stark sås.
Från och med nu ska vi packa väskan med drömmar ochköra snabbt och hårt åt valfritt väderstreck, se solen skina ovanför molnen och somna in fulla av förväntan, till tankar på hög nivå.
Ida #19 Alleycat
Carolina #5 Put oneself out there
So, the story goes that Dee Dee Ramone was hustling down 53rd and 3rd to pay for his heroin habit.
53rd and 3rd, you’re the one the never pick
53rd and 3rd, don’t it make you feel sick?
Then I did what God forbade
Now the cops are after me
But I proved I’m no sissy
Then one time, some older man actually picked him and he couldn't go through with it. He was not man enough, he was no sissy. So he just robbed the guy. That is what some people say. Others say that he actually killed that guy.
53rd and 3rd, 53rd and 3rd
53rd and 3rd, 53rd and 3rd
53rd and 3rd, 53rd and 3rd
53rd and 3rd, 53rd and 3rd
DeeDee died from an overdose in 2002. Today 53rd and 3rd is no longer a bellybutton for male prostitution. But boy, it is a good story told in a good tune. Have an adventurous week-end.
JULIA # 24 - Drugs and dancing
Ida #18 You and me and everyone we know
Ida #17 Our passionplay has now, at last, begun
Why oh why do you have to be just a story?
I first discovered him when I was 10 years old and read the book. And the 15 year old love story is still as beautiful as when it started. My big love - a deformed genious/killer with the voice of an angel. And he only exists in books and in musicals by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Life is never fair, but then again, a dreamed paradise is a paradise, too.
JULIA # 23 - Lugn hjärtdjur, lugn
Jag har ganska svårt att vältra mig i min längtan, att sakna något har alltid varit en del av mitt liv, man kan inte få utan att lämna. Det är okej. Det går att hålla balansen.
Men Paris alltså. Det är farligt med städer alla har en åsikt om. Det är farligt med städer som äter utländska drömmare.
Jag smulas sönder lite när jag tänker på våren i Paris.
För ett år sen hade jag precis flyttat in i min fina, fantastiska, slitna, underbara lägenhet i Reuilly Diderot. Jag hade köpt min kamera, påbörjat en långdragen kärlekshistoria, jag satt ofta och solade på en utav de fem balkongerna i lägenheten. Det fanns trådlöst Internet och jag vara nära stan. Jag ignorerade elräkningen och hade det varmt hemma, gick barfota på trägolvet. Runt, runt i tolfte, vid socialbostäderna. I jeansjacka och halvfrusna fingrar och kort vitt hår. Jag hade lärt mig ett ge dödsblicken åt dem som förtjänade det så jag var säker och sprang till Dugommier varje morgon och drack väldigt många allonges och skrapade ihop 85 centimes till en baguette. Och prutade på cigaretter, alla kommer väl ihåg mina Reinholds som jag rökte ett tag? Så himla konstiga paket.
Jag lyssnade ofta på en sång, av någon som hette Collet (?) och texten gick lite så här ”you walk around, thought you were beautiful, but it’s just the way they stare” och lite senare ”walk around know you are beautiful, aimless analysis”. Någon som känner till den?
Men jag vill inte leva i våren 2009. Det är inte nu. Mina händer fryser på ett nytt sätt nu. Jag bakar efter nya recept, röker andra cigaretter. Nu har jag flyttat in i Skrapan, femton våningar upp, utsikt söderut, mot Paris men också mot Skåne, Köpenhamn, Marocko. Utsikt mot drömsidan. Det kommer att bli annorlunda, men det kommer att bli bra.
Man får inte förlora sig själv i saknad. Men inte klippa banden heller, vänner är vänner är vänner är det viktigaste man någonsin kommer att ha. Jag saknar Vincent och Ida och att andas rå romantisk luft med Camilla, fyfan vad bra livet var ett tag där. Och att röka hemrullade cigaretter på trappan framför Sacre Coeur mitt i natten med Marie. Men om jag släpper mig själv lös kommer även de fina stunderna i Bryssel upp, när vi, tio personer och en hund, åkte i den stora Vanen till stranden och lyssnade på Bob Dylan och det pyste rök ur alla bilens tusen hål och springor och det regnade, men vi gjorde det till en grej och låtsades om att det var skinande sol. Eller Dublin, alla nätter på Temple Bar, där vi gjorde turiststället till vår stambar och jag lärde mig att stjäla ölslattar. Jag saknar, känner, vrids.
Men vad hjälper dessa minnen?
Riktningen är tagen, jag kan åka tillbaka, helt fri att fortsätta åt vilket håll jag än vill.
Jag har sagt det många gånger – jag tror inte att jag kommer att bo i samma stad som alla mina vänner de närmaste tio åren, vi är inte sådana människor. Vi har ett mentalt utbyte för att vi är för rotlösa att stagnera och stanna. På gott och ont. Men så är det. Så fort man har lämnat sitt hem en enda gång så får man inte ett nytt, man lämnar spår och celler och tankar och minnen hos andra människor och platser lite överallt. Det är så.
Det är bara det att när vårsolen lyser kallt-varmt-kallt och jag ser bilder från Paris där Maja har på sig nätstrumpbyxor och är sjukt vacker - ja då bubblar det lite.
Carolina #4 Why, oh why
JULIA # 22 - Jag vill MER älskling, inte mindre
"Mina kreativaste av vänner, hjälp mig att fylla följande mening med lite ord
jag vill ______ _____, älskling, inte _________"
Ashik Zaman
18 décembre à 12:01
jag vill dansa tango, älskling, inte vals.
Jag vill bara ligga, älskling, inte småprata.
Ida Engström
18 décembre à 12:12
Jag vill kyssa dig, älskling, inte senare.
Jag vill äta grodlår, älskling, inte biff.
Marit Fahlander
18 décembre à 13:59
jag vill jama älskling, inte skälla.
Johan-David Vedin
18 décembre à 14:38
jag vill döda dig älskling, inte?
Anna Krzymowska
18 décembre à 16:38
jag vill leva nu, älskling, inte sant?
Julia Eriksson
18 décembre à 16:45
Jag vill vara fri och lycklig älskling, inte instängd i samboskapets oregelbundna bur
Jag vill så mycket älskling, inte ruttna bort i tristess
Jag vill älska dig på riktigt älskling, inte spela kär
Jag vill gifta mig älskling, inte leva hippie
Jag vill leva hippie älskling, inte gifta mig
Jag vill älska med ljuset tänt älskling, inte fumla runt i mörker
Jag vill brinna likt Strindberg älskling, med en eld större än Sverige, skriva och beröra, göra fel, stamma och fumla, uppleva och kvarleva, förändra världssamvetet för alltid, inte gå skrivarkurs på folkhögskolan.
Koshik Zaman
18 décembre à 16:53
jag vill inte ligga alskling, inte ikvall.
Carolina Bergquist
18 décembre à 17:57
Jag vill ju grisäta, älskling, inte banta
Jag vill vara din, älskling, inte min
Ulf Alling
18 décembre à 19:14
Läses med Papa Dee´s mjuka stämma: jag vill att du ska lyda mig, älskling, inte behöva straffa dig med blockljuset.
Lizzie Jennifer Bergsten
18 décembre à 19:27
jag vill inte slå dig, älskling, inte sant?
Johan-David Vedin
22 décembre à 01:25
Jag vill inte, älskling, inte alls faktiskt. kossa!
Emilia Isaksson
22 décembre à 14:00
jag vill jaga vilt, älskling, inte döda
Lizzie Jennifer Bergsten
22 décembre à 14:10
jag vill skjuta skarpt, älskling, inte sikta
Marit Fahlander
22 décembre à 14:29
jag vill hem älskling, inte bort, jag vill in älskling, inte ut, jag vill mer älskling, inte mindre, jag vill allt älskling, inte inget, jag vill landa älskling, inte falla, jag vill så mycket att jag rasar under vikten av mitt hjärta älskling, inte är det vad du önskar dej i julklapp.
Den här texten har även inspirerat Marit till en sång som heter Fan älskling och hittas på http://www.myspace.com/maritfahlander
bijatyke zeby bic sie za przyjeciela
kradziez zeby skarsc kobiece serca
i oszustwo, zeby oszukac smierc
Vi skålar för slagsmål, stöld och bedrägeri
slagsmål - att slåss för sina vänner, för att skydda dem
stöld - för att stjäla kvinnors hjärtan
och bedrägeri - för att lura döden
Let's drink in the name of fights, theft and fraud
fights, to fight for friends and to protect them
theft, for stealing female hearts
and fraud, to fool death
Said in any language, it always gives drunk people a sense of depth.
från den polska filmen Imorgon går vi på bio
Carolina #2 Kitchen-small-talk-and-wine
With a thirty minutes delay in the Friday-evening-social-schedule, I did my best whirlwind imitation when entering the kitchen at my friends place. Of five people planned for dinner, four was now gathered. No 5 had found a guy being brutally beat up in the stairwell where she lives so because having to wait for the ambulance to come she was running late. I was late because I had to hand over an important instrument to a musician friend playing in Stockholm tonight. What friend, what instrument? Oh, just a random Swedish pop-band big as church-choir and it was my flute. A flute? Yes, I have had it in my playbox for quite some time now and it just lays all silent, waiting to be used. Yes I imagine t is not as portable as the flute I have in my iPhone. No kidding, a flute in your iPhone? Does that work? Not only does it work but also it has an application for listening to other people’s tunes from all over the world using their iPhone-magic-flutes. Someone wished someone else a happy birthday, a toast to that and to our lovely host for supplying us with food without formalities in fashion. Yes I was thinking I might go to Copenhagen next week for the fashion-week, Stockholm is pretty lame. It is more about the parties and the people than clothing and industry. Indeed, no wonders we only have bloggers on front row when no one of true international dignity visit and specially invited people on the important parties are drinking drinks free from alcohol in a bar serving for free. What are you saying; that the important thing is being drunk? No, not really. It is not that bad but yes people have a lot more fun when their further career is not depended on their social skills at parties. Without constipation we are all social and not just good drinkers. Cheers to that, and to the lovely host for bringing us together you will make a good mom some day. I would like to be a dad in a near future I have felt that for some time now. Oh really? That was unexpected. I think it is likely that I will have twins. Petite mademoiselles often do so I think you are right. Can I have some more cheese please? Lovely marmalade, darling. Doorbell rings. Whirlwind-imitation no. 2 when no. 5 and her cat-like sister arrive. So good to see you, how are you, traumatized? Oh good God, brutally beat-up guy, blood in blood out and all he wanted to do was to light a cigarette so he did about a million times and of course his name is Kaj. Kaj!? Hold you horses, why is that so natural? You consider that a criminal name? What happened to JonnieConnieSonnieRonny? Are not these the high-frequent names on criminals? Kaj is associated with darkbrown hair, a pair of Rayban-spectacles in order to see well, not (only) to look good and he is always glowing from modesty or self-consciousness. Don't forget you have a secret crush on that concept. Oh, yeah. Right. Hm. Don't think it is a secret, though. Everyone has a crush on that concept. I hear you sister, lets drink to that. More wine in our glasses and a toast to a concept of love. To the wide concept of love and lust for life. To the concept of kicks from smothly going conversations and effortless smalltalk with friends and friends of friends on a Friday evening. Then we danced away.
Ida #16 A short text about choosing your friends, and being scared of toilets.
Second: I have since my friend (he is my friend now, having found each other again after 15 years) locked me into the toilet when I was 7, been scared of toilets. God, I remember when people in school managed to open the toilets when someone was inside. Peeing was bad enough, not to talk about people doing number two. Never happened to me, since I don’t use public toilets. If I really really had to go, I would let one friend guard outside. Just to be on the safe side.
Text wasn't so short after all. Guess I needed to talk about it.
JULIA # 21 - Nämen
JULIA # 20 - En liten fredagsbön
the timing is off, the rhythm too. I just want to hide away and listen to something soothing, I was telling the story about a small part of my feelings to a friend I work with and he touched my hair/head/whatever as a recognition, as a "I understand, it will be ok" kindof gesture. I had to drag myself away from it. I couldn't handle it, no one has toched me with compassion in forever. it was not even anything special.
most times its just all in a "oh hi hi how are you" kindof way. its all about "oh yea lets go there EVERYONE is there" as soon as someone says "everyone" i cringe, why would I ever want to see everyone?
well i don't, what would I possibly have to say to everyone? "oh hi hi how are you" i guess. some "guess what i heard's" and "you won't believe what I saw's".
although I got nothing to fill in the blanks with.
the book I am reading is fucking me up too, yes i am honest. I didn't like it at first, i like to expand moments and i felt he was just passing them by like they where nothing. but after a while he returned to all those moments, and it all made so much sence. and it hurt so much.
essentialism, like is that what I am supposed to talk about to "everyone"?
so many questions I don't even want to know the answers to. maybe i sound pityful, maybe i sound bitter. I don't know. I am not though. its just one of those expanded moments in my life. when i actually have words to get rid off.
Carolina #1 Idén om en fisk i en burka
Som fisken i en glasskål lever så lever fisken i en glasskål. Som kvinnan i västervärlden lever så lever kvinnan i västervärlden. Som idéerna hos mannen i väst lever, så lever idéerna hos kvinnan i burka. Som Platons fastkedjade människor i grottliknelsen lever så lever fisken i en burka. Om kvinnan i burkan lever så lever idéer.
Ida #15 Burfdei
I spent the first 6 hours working on my article, then sending it to the supervisor, and then getting it back with the old usual "what are you THINKING"-kind of message. That made me a bit sad. I talked to my family. That made me happy. I got a cake. Happy. Someone shove it up my face. Happy/Sad (see photo). Spent lots of hours in bed watching Big Love. Happy but sort of depressed too. Sent a message to the person I thought was my best friend here. No reply. Sad. Message from Miguel. Happy. Went to his bar, got free drinks and cake. Happy. Got drunk. Happy. A guy who has fallen in love with me came to talk to me. Uncomfortable. He said he is planning to kill himself. More uncomfortable. He asks me for the keys to my apartment. I say no. He starts to beg. Uncomfortable. I eventually give him the keys. Really really uncomfortable. Goes with Miguel and his collegues for a party. Drinks tequila and sings my favourite songs the whole night. Very happy. Goes home. Manages to put the roof on the taxi (one the inside) on fire with the lighter. Ashamed. Other person still in my apartment. He drank all my alcohol. Angry. He gets angry when I tell him to leave. Angry/Scared. He really really refuses to leave. Scared. He gets a knife and says he is gonna kill himself in my apartment. Scared. Trying to leave, he wont let me. He has the knife. More scared. Crying. Goes to the toilet, sends a message to Miguel who says he is gonna come. Really scared. Manages to get out from my apartment, no shoes on but a guy with a knife following me, trying to drag me into the apartment again. Scared/crying. A neighbour sees it and eventually the other guy leaves. I go to my apartment, waits for Miguel. The other guy comes back. He shows me that he has my keys. More scared. Then he comes back again. Gives me the keys. Still scared. Miguel comes. Takes me to his bar again. I drink margaritas and feel sorry for myself. I go home, I sleep 14 hours. Bought new locks for myself as a birthday present. Might add a stun-gun too.
My life is so fucking exciting. Happy birthday to me!
rescentment is weird. I have felt it. shame is weird, I have felt that too. we all have shortcomings right? I wish it could all be very simple, like drinking too much coffee in a booth at a restaurant in prague on the south side of the river. Laughing at something with that friend who I met in an elevator. wow those things just don't happen around here do they? maybe they do, maybe I am just stuck again, my room is a mess, I have to much homework to do anything about it. so I sit in the mess and draw and listening to "stuff you should know" soon moving on to "stuff they don't want you to know" right now I know most things about mercenaries, ninjas, noodeling and organ donation.
I will try to casualy slip those subjects in to conversations.
someone told me who to have as friends once, what to drink and to eat and what to listen to. He told me to drink the strongest coffee and to smoke the strongest cigarettes, to live among people that did the same and that this was truly how to live and feel the most alive.
She realized he wanted to blindfold her. "No I want to watch!"
JULIA # 19 - The art of never being invited but always showing up
hi! here i am again!
no invitation this time either!
I've gotten in to far too many places where I wasn't inteded to have access. And I do believe that it's not because I'm cool or cute (all girls my age are)but rather bacause I have a brave and creative approach to these matters. Here are my tips how to do it:
Ten things to say to get into a party/club/lecture/fashion show that you're not invited or even welcome to.
1. Nothing - just run in and look important and stressed.
2. Say that you're playing in Mando Diao (no one knows the memebers)
3. Look at the guest list discretley and try to see a name. Or five.
4. Windows or smoking areas are entries too.
5. Show your work badge, pretend its your back stage pass. If you get caught, just go "oh fuck, i took the wrong one". They will be impressed that you have a job.
6. Say that you work for Acne. I've never tried it myself, but two of my friends have it as their universal ticket to get into anywhere
7. Bring a big camera, a note book, a pen that works and say you work for a paper or have a blog. They will be impressed that you have a job and know how to accessorize.
8. When you see a group of people getting in, join the crowd and melt with them. Then leave them fast once you have gotten in. Invited people seem to hate free riders.
9. Ask the star "can I get in with you?". They're nice and like to use their power, they'll help you
10. Use your imagination
Karl Lagerfeldt is one of the nice ones
JULIA # 18 - SNÖ
Det var lycka, för mig och andra trettonåringar med skolångest. Fast i ett väderkosmos, det fanns ingenting man var tvungen att göra, alla misslyckanden eller bortglömda åtaganden var ursäktade - det var snöns fel.
Aleksandra # 9 - Last week in the European Institutions
My highights of the week:
One distinguished Member of the European Parliament (MEP) suggests prohibiting imports of panga fish from Vietnam, which uses dried urine from pregnant women as a preservative. Yuck - ban panga, start savouring European sardines!
The European Commission, active guardian of consumer safety as laid down by the Treaties, recalled a series of Nudie jeans and Disney toys for chemical toxicity, lubrifiants for reasons of microbiological threats, and children's astronaut overalls for risk of strangulation and choking. So send a though to the alert Commission officials next time you dress to impress and enjoy safe sex.
I wrote my first amendments and had my first MEP meetings that I hold myself. I stepped on the foot of the next President of the European Parliament (tbc) and shared the lift with an EU-sceptic transvestite MEP. I had free champagne for a good cause. I got to pay for myriad of beers when a Eurocrat lost his wallet.