My highights of the week:
One distinguished Member of the European Parliament (MEP) suggests prohibiting imports of panga fish from Vietnam, which uses dried urine from pregnant women as a preservative. Yuck - ban panga, start savouring European sardines!
The European Commission, active guardian of consumer safety as laid down by the Treaties, recalled a series of Nudie jeans and Disney toys for chemical toxicity, lubrifiants for reasons of microbiological threats, and children's astronaut overalls for risk of strangulation and choking. So send a though to the alert Commission officials next time you dress to impress and enjoy safe sex.
I wrote my first amendments and had my first MEP meetings that I hold myself. I stepped on the foot of the next President of the European Parliament (tbc) and shared the lift with an EU-sceptic transvestite MEP. I had free champagne for a good cause. I got to pay for myriad of beers when a Eurocrat lost his wallet.

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