vi var alla unga, mer eller mindre begåvade och vi var vackra


Ida # 9 A bit more And than If

In my head - I don’t like confusion and I don’t approve of not knowing what to do. I like to be casual and laugh, talk about nonsense and staying up all night with beautiful and/or weird persons. I am not shy, not anymore, I meet whoever and I don’t mind blind dates, as long as I sit not too far from the door, in case of an “emergency”. I move to new countries and meet new people, I can make myself understood without really knowing the language because I have learnt that smiling is valid currency everywhere, however cheesy that might sound. I never breath as easily as when I am free and on my own. I love walking the streets in the sunrise with a whole night of dancing drinking and smoking too many cigarettes in my body, and buy breakfast at Burger King and go home and watch romantic comedies in French. I do not like to be confused by people. Rarely happens though, which is good. People usually don’t affect me enough to confuse me, I got tired of letting people get to me a while ago and learnt how to not let them get into my head.
But when they do get to me – it is one long dark hour of thinking too much and being shy and and and. And.

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