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Aleksandra # 2 - Four problems and one solution

Four types of Chinese industrial waste

Photos by Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky, Asia showed me Jennifer Baichwal's great film "Manufactured Landscaped" about Burtynsky's observations-through-the-lense of industrial changes to nature, thank you Asiu. And thank you Ed and Jennifer, now that I gave you some free publicity please don't sue me.

Ukrainian recycling

This was my view from the kitchen window in Kyiv, Ukraine. Every morning and some nights, I watched the ever-changing scenary over cups of non-arabic coffee. People leave what they no longer need anywhere on the court yard so that their neighbourgs can help themselves, and then on Sundays somebody puts a fire on the dumpster and lets it burn for 24h (but the smoke does not stop the children from playing at the lovely playground situated just behind) until a babushka in an official fluo suit comes with a hose and puts the fire out.


  1. Jag älskar facebookbeskrivningen av återvinningen, du kanske kan lägga till det?

  2. fast väldigt bra ide, det är grymt snyggt ihop, med titeln o allt
